..... It's time to realize we are in TOTALLY uncharted waters, and a wise man would be a bit conservative.... Who in the world ever thought companies like AIG , GENERAL MOTORS, and a slew of banks WOULD BE BAILED OUT BY TAXPAYER DOLLARS... well it happened .... also got bailed out by plain old PRINTING MONEY .....WHOEVER DREAMED OF A RUST BELT IN AMERICA and our jobs all going abroad. DON'T LOOK FOR RECOVERY SOON, especially when RESPONSIBLE Americans realize their saved dollars that “are still there “are worthless, because of inflation and poor government spending decisions. So many more companies wonder WHY did the Federal government "pick another company over mine to save”.... in short, our present government reeks with favoritism, and unfairness, throwing to the wind the hard work the AVERAGE GUY has done to build this place. Your chances of survival if you super rich, or " entitled" are better while this administration is in, than if you are middle class ,and working for a living .TAX on your benefits, no IRS reform , leaving THE FAT CAT ALL HIS BREAKS, HEALTH CARE WITH NO TORT REFORM .... come on, even if ya cleaned up on a lawsuit....some attorney got 40% ... you can sue for ANYTHING, and make a buck....just pick an ambulance chaser off a TV ad, and go for it. There is definitely something wrong with our system, and present administration has gone to old shady advisers for help... most all from eastern establishment.... while not realizing old ways won't work, unfair ways won't work, BIG IS NOT BEAUTIFUL, and there is a “greed machine" out there, that HE is oblivious to, that is going to eat us up ....... COMPOUND THAT with " most people have totally lost faith in America " ....... honest sayings like " GET REAL", and " THERE IS ONLY SO MUCH TO GO AROUND", " two and two make four" and " ya get what ya pay for" better come to light, if this " master of rhetoric" is going to save this country .... It's to the point, where it's not a question of what Uncle Sam can give.... it's a question of saving the country and everything "many" of our fathers, and forefathers worked for and fought for........ time FOR price freezes, and time for ceilings on costs, time for luxury tax, and a high tax on super wealthy, time to rev up oil production, actually USE SENSIBLE ALTERNATIVES AVAILABLE, time for tort reform in every facet of life...what is going on is a joke, Time to extend drug patents, while at same time TAXING THEIR RIDICULOUS PROFITS.... and " encouraging a more reasonable price in America...STOP GOUGING THE PUBLIC, It's time to prosecute SERIOUSLY FALSE ADVERTISERS, regularly ripping of Americans, IT'S TIME TO LET generals run wars, BUILD UP OUR DEFENSE, AND FOR GOD'S SAKE stop this era of political correctness .... pork in congress must be a thing of the past, TERM LIMITS MUST EXIST... and RAMPANT political crime must be seriously prosecuted.... Our products must be competitive ( simple executives don't make millions, ridiculous liability insurance done away with, Simple IRS CODE making bookkeeping less complicated and reasonable wages, along w/ profit sharing. THEN WE WILL BE ON OUR WAY BACK...... IT'S SIMPLE.....GET REAL.......... OR it's all over..... GUARANTEED! World Government will have won out..... and who knows what ISLAM WILL BE DOING ???????